This is without a doubt THE worst show/follow up series I've ever seen in my entire life, what was supposed to be a epic conclusion to the franchise turned out to be a hellish nightmare of poorly written storylines, mishandling of beloved characters, and taking everything the original show worked so hard to build on and throwing away in favour of dark elements, I understand the show waiting to give out the message about ptsd and strees but they could have done it a lot better by having Steven getting better and better with each episode instead of him getting worse and worse, I mean what did it all led to?! A disgustingly hideous buff from that would make blind people cry which would led to a pointless giant monster episode?! There are so many wrongs with this show that I can't even go into details because mentioning them would only bring me down mentally, I tried to enjoy the franchise after THAT abomination but I just couldn't find the joy in it anymore, so not only did it make me leave the franchise all together but I also became anti Steven universe, Yeah, it was that bad, so if your new to franchise I highly recommend that you avoid Steven universe future like covid, its Disturbing, cruel and hypocritical