Terrible game. Completely destroys the lore, Shelob is the daughter of a giant spider demon who was the left hand of what is basically the devil. Here she is a scorned woman who likes to be a spider. Who can see the future but sets you up to fail by not showing you who the traitor is?
The game starts off with a series of plot contrivances that only serve to reset the character. Aaaaand they continue throughout the game. The lines that the characters speak are good, but the lack of logic and random twists needed to get from point A to point B are often jarring and break immersion.
Mechanics? Randomly getting caught on little bits of rock or 2" high ramp bottoms. Inconsistent jump mechanics, near or far? Guess. Poor wall traversal, the game confuses side to side and up constantly. Some enemies are immune to everything except area specific traps, and sometimes you have to fight them outside those areas... so you'll run around for an hour using cheap blows nibbling at their health. The only saving grace for this game is the nemesis system as an idea, combined with storming forts.
There is a difference between satisfaction in defeating a hard foe and relief that something is finally over. I got more relief than satisfaction from this game. For some the two are interchangeable, or both are enjoyable. I am not one of those people.