Professor Reisman has the antidote to secondary, tertiary, quaternary (HS, University, Master, Doctor, etc.) schooling. Many of you were curious about economics. How could it help you understand our economic system? Perhaps like me you hoped to make better decisions regarding future plans. Texts assigned, the TAs, profs lecture drones, intro to- obfuscation differential equations, logarithmic graphs, & extra credit popular reads by Krugman, Reich, Rubin, Yellin. What did you learn that was useful? How did it make your life better?
Pop quiz! Define capitalism. Oops.. didn't learn that term did you? Something worth knowing to those who plan on taking economics. 1st understand that the teachers are bureaucrats. The school lives off of taxpayers forced contributions. The texts were written by bureaucrats.
So? It means the system that has swallowed you doesn't understand economics. Or alternatively, the operators do understand economics and they don't want you knowing the truth. The dozens of planners making your future understanding of economics obstruse can't help it. They do not live in a voluntary system that creates wealth. They depend on a government enforcement to get paid. They don't like capitalism. They are afraid of capitalism. In the real world these TAs and profs would have to work for a living. Say at McDonalds or Walmart.
Dr. Reisman pointed out that public schools and their handmaiden not for profit schools have no business teaching most subjects. Economics and History are two stand out examples. What you learn in econ and popular books will denigrate capitalism.Now you understand why the schools have no interest in your understanding capitalism. But fact is the overwhelming population of Americans share one common denominator. That is their anti capitalist mentality. For what ever reasons. We have to include democracy as mob rule along with government schools as main contributers.
Reisman is the antidote for the fake propaganda that passes as economics. That claims to understand capitalism. Robert Reich has a book on how to fix capitalism. Reich is a bureaucrat. Capitalism doesn't need fixing. The problem is government bureaucrats and pols 'tamper with the system.' (WE Deming).
Reisman explains why western civilization made great progress. And you will understand capitalism and economics better than your prof. Take this book to class and challenge the Ta/prof at every turn of the page. Don't let the schools make you stupid. Call them out. Ask them why that Reisman's BIG work isn't on their recommended reading list. Then listen to their double tap bull strip talk. In fact don't even take econ class. What you need to outshine your ignorant TA is knowledge Capitalism Treatise presents. You will be more successful in life and you will understand why the anti capitalists are vast in numbers. With plans for you. Their plans not yours. The ed system plan is to make you knuckle under and be ignorant. Individuals have no place in a statist society. But you have a chance to break out and learn to be your own person. Good luck. Because you make your own luck. Schools will retard your success. And the further along you get. Say like the quaternary. When you become a drone intern resident. You will be the ultimate in Brave New World type A human.