Well I've played it solo for a bit, and it is tough, but in a good way. However, I hope you like the wait times between deaths cause holy moly. They are looooong. If you want to have fun have something else to occupy your time while you wait (I just wanna be able to play the damn game!!!) But gameplay itself seems pretty ok, the hit boxes seem kinda weird. The damage output can be unrealistic with ammo types so make sure you buy quality stuff. And again, the wait makes this border line unplayable.
My suggestion to improve the game would be to add a playstyle where you don't earn XP or loot, but can respawn faster so you can actually get good at the game fighting other players n stuff. Im not sure if it's one of those games where I want to play 6 plus hours just to get the hang of it. Also the item insurance shouldn't be as scammy as it is in real life bwahaha! Overall, maybe wait for them to come out with the final version. It seems promising so far.