So yesterday went to see it for a second time and nope this movie is not that good, the pacing is off the movie too many plot holes and lazy writing on the behalf of JJ Abrams who took the same ending as return of the Jedi for this movie instead of Darth Vader sacrificing himself to save Luke it’s Kylo Ren sacrificing himself to save Rey lol. But one big thing that really
bug me the most, they don’t even explain how the emperor survives the death star plus no Details about his son etc..... I have a list of stuff that I didn’t like about this movie, l also have list of stuff I did like which they should’ve work on, I think it would of made the movie much better. Visually this movie is amazing but Star Wars is more than visuals it’s about a great story, this movie is just an actions sci-fi movie at best not the Space opera which it was once upon of time 😞
But the whole Disney Trilogy is just a big sloppy mess, thank you for the Mandalorian