I was intrigued by this game, thinking that it couldn't be as bad as everyone made it out to be, but it is, it's bloody awful, the game stopped my progress at least twice, once during chapter 2, and another during 7, so I had to replay the whole chapters again from the beginning, which was at least 30-40 minutes of game time, certain platform sections are very frustrating where I'd just miss a jump for no reason, or gollum wouldn't grab a ledge, it was just annoying, by the end I was just praying for the credits to finish quickly so I could uninstall it and never think of it again, there's some positives to the game, the character of gollum is quite likeable, I mean he does get very annoying towards the end of the game, and some of the locations look really nice, it's just a shame that you spend the first few chapters in the dungeon, this game needed to go back to the drawing board, or at least needed polishing a bit more, even with the patches it's still buggy, I'd say save your money unless you can get it extremely cheap.