Hollywood does boxing well and, as you would expect, the fight scenes are compelling. But at the heart of this film is a remarkably flat and glum performance by Will Smith. Of course, no one could look like Ali and I didn't expect a perfect vocal impersonation, but Smith has captured absolutely nothing that is recognisably Ali. I understand that Ali's charming swagger may have fronted a more troubled personality, but all you get here is the angst. Even in the famous press conference exchanges, he seems to lack warmth and sparkle. If you came to this film with no knowledge of Ali, you would be forgiven for thinking that he was just another boxer. The film works well in showing that the US civil rights situation was inextricably entwined with Ali's story, but possibly underplays his world significance. Muhammad Ali was one of the most extraordinary men of the 20th century and his legacy is badly let down by this film