This is a MASTERPIECE! One of the best animated films out there! The humour, the story, everything is just perfect! It holds you captivated, lost in the story, right until the end! You should definitely watch this with your kids! Or if you ARE a kid, ask your parents or siblings to show it to you. And spoiler alert, this is the story of Riley an 11 year old girl who's not happy when she has to move to san francisco for her dad's job. Just GREAT! I saw a review which was saying that it was "brainwashing" kids and a bunch of other weird stuff like they were saying that the headquarters in the movie was their "evil encampment" and joy tried to "kill herself" by jumping in the pit of forgotten memories, but there was no such scene in the movie, and they were asking why joy was yellow because they were saying that yellow was an insult to someone who's name was a bunch of angry emojis and that yellow was their least favourite color. If you see any reviews like this, remember that they were probably written by mad people and ignore them. Inside out is one of the highest rated movies, you just can't let someone with half a brain's fake opinion judge it for you. A MUST WATCH!!!