Nope is like a really ugly piñata. On the surface, it seems flat and unsatisfying. But when you break it open, you see the rewards inside.
It had great symbolism and thought provoking themes (the dangers of obsessing over wealth, fame, and status), dangers Hollywood often creates. You see this obsession in each of the characters, and this is at least partially why some of the characters felt underdeveloped. I think this was somewhat intentional. Every director's goal is not necessary to get you to like the characters. The greater goal of this film seems to be to show us what happens when we obsess over the American dream: we become one dimensional, flat, and selfish individuals that Hollywood chews up and spits back out. Perhaps the ending is meant to feel anticlimatic, as this is likely how Emerald felt at the end. Even though she finally accomplished their goal of getting a photo, she still felt unfulfilled, the same way people who chase money their entire lives feel once they finally get it.
I did feel like the Gordy plot should have been a separate film. It was too much to try and fit into one film, and I don't think it connects well enough with the larger theme of the film. I also felt that the pace of the film was slow, but this may also be intentional. Perhaps the dragging pace of the film is meant to reflect the feeling of chasing an impossible dream: it feels slow, painful, and anticlimatic. If anyone could pack that much meaning into a film, it's Peele. So, it's either a great film with lots of depth, or it's a bad film that I'm overanalyzing lol. But if you know anything about Peele, he overthinks things too. So it's probably the former.
I understand the mixed reviews, but this film had some undeniably great symbolism and cinematic moments (the gordy scene, the claustrophobic digestion, and the blood on the house). The 1 star reviewers I feel did not take the time to appreciate the themes Peele is trying to convey. Have we gotten so used to Michael Bay and Marvel films that we need constant ammo, explosions, and superheroes to be entertained?
Overall, this is a good film created for a niche audience. I think it wasn't made for the general public the same way a Marvel film was. But instead, it was made for Western and psychological thriller fans who like to overthink and analyze everything--admittedly like myself lol.