these psychological movies that has a "deeper meaning" should just die, all they do is make a plot confusing, because there's a "deeper" meaning and you have to "dissect" it to know the "true" plot, I honestly think these type of movies would work on an MCU film, or Star Wars because at least you have characters you more or less know, here you have a character you don't know at all, is he good, evil or insane - I DON'T KNOW! How do the directors expect me to be invested enough in a character that I don't know (nor care for) for me to "dissect" the film for the the "true" meaning, also the "psychologist" said most of his interactions are just delusions, so I don't know what the heck is real any more, maybe the psychologist isn't real (oR iS ShE) maybe all of the main character interactions aren't real (oR ArE ThEy), in the end you leave the theater scratching your head wondering for a second what you just watched, then you forget the film ever existed, it leave no lasting impressions at all, watch it if you want to kill time. (waste of good actor btw)