“To those who have more shall be given. And to those who don’t, what little they do have shall be taken away”-The Bible.. In other words, The Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer! The more money you make or have, the less taxes you pay, thanks largely to tax rules written by the rich for the rich, which allow them to legally avoid taxes though tax shelter like Offshore accounts. This continually widens the gap between the haves and have nots. And continually Shrinks size of the “Middle-class”.
At this rate, It won’t be long until we are back to the Medival Serf and Barron (or Lord) system. Another way to increase the divide is to encourage everyone to buy everything on credit. The rich own people’s debt, basically ensuring the debtors will be enslaved to the rich via their perpetual credit card debt, which is encouraged by Television “programming” and the commercials which support it!