I really like the Game and The character as it is one of the best Counter - strike game with different characters and ability and it's really interesting but I don't like the system of Banning a player for some hrs or even days. For Real there should be an option for us to either leave the match or Surrender by Just Some Vote just because of one Guys we have to play the whole game and if fine but what about when Ur parents is Calling You or You are facing some internet Connection, Wifi error, or any kind of emergency what u gonna do at this point ? Watch the Game till it end and play it? C'mom that is not fair and My teammates and I are facing this problem for like 20 days and I'm getting frustrated by This if u really want to punish the player than 15 or 30 min is enough depend on when they leave the Match but u guys are really giving 3 hrs of ban, its drive us crazy as a student we hardly get 1-2 hrs Free time and We can't even play 1 game just because of your 3-5 hrs ban, We all want to level up, custom ain't gonna make our levels high. Plss Look for it. I think u should give 15 min Ban if the player left after playing half of the match and 30 min Ban for leaving early and that would be fair . Pls understand our situation it's is getting really difficult for us to play the game and enjoy it. At the end of this I just want you guys to solve my problem and look after it. Thanks You