One of the best sci-fi movies ever made. I saw a clip in Biology class (we were studying gene editing), fell in love, and promptly watched the whole film. Since then, I've re-watched it countless times, and countless more sci-fi films, and this one still stands out from all of them.
I highly recommend this if you're interested in gene editing, designer babies, and gene ethics. Sympathetic characters, sleek setting, and atmospheric music all come together to form a true sci-fi masterpiece that makes you question the ethics of genetic editing.
As always, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In this case, the rich can afford to maximise the genetic health of their children, and the poor cannot. This creates a greater income divide between the rich and poor, as the genetically-advantaged get better jobs, better lifestyles, better partners. This could very well be a glimpse into the future, so I would recommend watching this and preparing yourself.