This is genuinely my favorite game of all time. I know people don't like it cause they say it's too hard, and often point to the first enem, the lycanthrope. You're meant to die there, grab a weapon, and then beat it, so saying it's too hard to beat is pointless, they designed it that way. The lore is hard to find, but it's there, and the story tickles all the right eldritch creepy vibes for me. The gameplay is reliable, rarely ever feeling like an unfair death once you've gotten the hang of it. This was my first Soulsborne game, so I do sympathize with anyone who started with it like mezcal as I spent hours in the first area dying over and over. You have to have the right mindset to enjoy these games, and they're simply not made for everyone, as some people just get too upset st deaths, which is fine, you just won't be able to enjoy this particular series. I would recommend this game to anyone brave enough to try it, with the knowledge that it's hard, especially st the beginning, and you're going to die and struggle, but that's okay.