The final console released game is good, despite all of the negative reviews. I've learned to not let the opinion of others alter my perception or cloud my judgement before trying it myself. The game's graphics is good, the animations are not prefect, but will get better in time. The roster will also grow, music is good and hope more songs will be added. I enjoy the game as it's both fun and realistic at the same time. Each fight feels true to life as their adaptive fighting styles have been implemented into gameplay. Please note, this is not a pick up and play game, its not an arcade rock em' sock em' game like fight night. If you try to throw nonstop punches and going berserk you will get countered. This is a boxing purist game as you have to use some sort of strategy to win. I've even noticed during the matches vs AI if something I'm doing is constantly working, the CPU will adjust and makes changes to take away what I've been doing, which just like real life! I love it. 4-4.5/5 for now and will get better over time. I'm happy Steel City Interactive took big risks to give us the first boxing game in over 13 years.