Considering this movie was meant to be the end of the franchise, the conclusion was pretty underwhelming and predictable didn’t feel like much of a realistic one. It just felt like a repeat of the last 2 Jurassic world movies, except they tied in the park movies by bringing back the characters from said movies. In the trailer, it was leading on that dinosaurs and humans co existing would inevitably become an ecological disaster. Though trailers are sometimes misleading, I feel like them going with the take that dinosaurs and humans are struggling to co exist and it turns into a fight for survival where one species must go extinct for the sake to save another would’ve been a much more realistic and compelling story. The whole ending of “we must trust each other in order to co exist” just felt like a lazy way to end a nearly 3 decade franchise. Along with the many conveniences of characters being in the same place as others even though one scene earlier they were in a completely different place and the stakes being low to the point where stakes are pretty much nonexistent when the characters are put in life or death situations. Somehow someone is always there to save the day or able to get out of the situation because all the characters have strong plot armor for some reason. Even though this is said to be the end of the franchise so it wouldn’t even matter. Overall, this movie was disappointing.