This film disappointed me ! come on Godzilla vs Kong is a nuke - the humans are so corny, the acting is so bad it looks like there…..well?? acting, look Godzilla and Kong are just in their way ,yeah ! it’s way better than King Kong vs Godzilla and the CGI is good but it’s not consistent as Kong skull island some shots are better than the others, the story is so dull, Godzilla king of the monsters is so much more better because it actually has good paste it has a better plot because king ghidorh has a good reason to fight Godzilla ..Kotm doesn’t have cheesey and rushed dialogue - kong is so happy although he is supposed to be miffed off and he is so weak and they look so small and it is suppose to be the battle of the Century and a colossal monster battle- it hit rock bottom it went down hard the trailer is better than the Entire movie, it kills the hype by putting a calming music in the beginning and this kong is the worst ever. The meme with the tree in Godzilla’s mouth is dead annoying thing ( to me )! they bring it in this pile of trash. Mecca Godzilla is just there for a reaction they got the rights from Toho to get a reaction. the fight between Godzilla and Mecca Godzilla is just so terrible , the CGI is getting worse and worse, Macca Godzilla should not rag dull Godzilla, Godzilla should get 8 hits on this tin can why can’t he win. he’s king of the monsters and this is the worst Godzilla In the monster verse he attacks Apex because he wants to be the only king - really Adam winged! !!! Godzilla was looking for apex and than wants to battle kong BECAUSE he can, so Godzilla is just playing in this movie? This movie just makes no sense- why didn’t you make Godzilla wiser in this movie. So this is just a plot hole nothing but a pile of trash screw kong and screw MeccaGodzilla it’s just a Mediocre waste - it’s suppose to be (to me) the greatest move in 2021 and it wasn’t so yeah Godzilla vs kong is bad😢