Abot-Kamay na Pangarap" is a Philippine television series that attempts to delve into the complexities of human struggle and resilience. However, despite its ambitious premise, the show falls short of delivering a coherent and uplifting narrative. Instead of inspiring hope and optimism, the series seems to revel in portraying an overwhelming sense of despair and hopelessness.
One of the major flaws of "Abot-Kamay na Pangarap" lies in its storytelling, which often feels disjointed and lacks a clear direction. The plot lines meander without purpose, and the characters' actions often seem arbitrary, leaving the audience feeling disconnected from their struggles. As a result, the series fails to provide a compelling and meaningful narrative that viewers can invest in.
The Director and/or Writer is running out of ideas, and the story is almost predictable, (things will go wrong as always and there are so many ways to outsmart educated people, doctors, lawyers, police investigator). In other words, the show tends to highlight that evil will always prevail, and is a bad role model to our young viewers/society. It also tends to showcase corruption within our justice system, law enforcement, business operations, security flaws, etc. Are all these possible/happening in the Philippines?