Gameplay is repetitive,map is boring large open spaces with nothing to do in it, story is written like a child just wrote down every movie they ever saw and said this is what it is about. The constant eye roll inducing lack of humor dialogue makes my head hurt combat is mediocre at best with some decent mechanics but most of the time your just spamming one attack. The map is just copy and paste didn't I already clear this fort no this is a new one that is exactly the same in every way. And the main character is annoying and unnecessarily sarcastic and rude the whole game with zero actual character development everything she does is to further her personal goal. You can write selfish sarcastic characters that aren't this unredeemable if the player starts wanting the character they play to shut up maybe you did a bad job of writing them.
And why do I have to stand in the middle of no where to talk to my cuff for 45 minutes just to progress the plot can't I at least walk around.