As someone who has lived in Korea during the 2000s months at a time, the show does a very good job of depicting the values at the time. The reason I say this is because people are confusing the motifs. Sure some things are exaggerated but it's not like it's a super hero movie. Kids in Korea during those times were often bullied if they weren't good looking hence the popularity in plastic surgery even at a young age. I noticed a lot of criticism ranging from various topics. So I figure I answer it as someone is very well aware of the culture.
As far as the first murder goes, she murdered him because he was the only one with knowledge of the murder not because of the rape.
The reason she turned herself in is because she realized her new lifestyle and desires were destroying others, including her look alike friend. Plus with the baby on the way, she did not want her to be exposed to being on the run with her. So she pretty much anonymously gives her baby to her mom so that the daughter's upbringing leaves much less exposure to the public, although people find out because of the grandmother.
The first victim, her coworker, was in ways overzealously directed yes. However that is a reflection of the typical webcam model in today's era. Does it happen often in 2023? No. But it has happened before.
All in all, I noticed a lot of people questioning the plot and the confusion is pretty clear that not many of you that didn't like it don't really know what it's like to grow up in Korea. Just because you watched squid games doesn't mean you really understand the social aspects of Korea from two decades ago.