A stale movie where male lead plays a weak “intellectual” man and a “assertive” female lead who comes from a self declared privileged bourgeois class but decides to go against moms wishes and marry the weak failed author. What a… fresh take….
They break up. She moves on but is 1st world problems unhappy, until ex lover sends her his newly published novel.
The novel at the center of this movie desperately attempts to be dark, but is impotent.
The antagonists are unbelievable, all portrayed by amateur actors. The only good acting (rogue sheriff) is from a character who fades away into oblivion as the plot helplessly flails into a whole nothingburger at the end.
Film would have been more watchable had Amy Adam’s, Jake G, and their fictional daughter simply crashed and all died at the start.
Waste of time. Don’t watch. Was waiting for a plot twist or something ANYTHING to make my commitment worthwhile. It never comes.
This is my first ever movie review. I just had to vent after wasting time watching this absolutely asinine plot.
This movie kinda celebrates art and puts artists on a pedestal. Ironically, it is a good example of when an artist should look at the garbage he conjured up and call it quits. The world definitely doesn’t need more failed artists. It’s running out of capacity to host this caliber of pathetic work.
Finally, that disturbance at the beginning was criminally unnecessary.