In this book the author describes the b-word as a woman with self-esteem, independence, goals and a full life. It does not mean acting mean or using other people. If you're the kind of woman who is constantly at a man's beck and call (he calls you 3 hours before he wants to see you for a netflix and chill with a casual night of passion) you definitely need to read this book. More than any other book on dating, this book has sound advice about self-esteem and what really attracts men.
Many women think the way to get love, respect, and commitment is to lavish attention and care on men very early on in the dating process. Men do want attention and care from women, but they want that attention and care from a woman who also has standards, principles and backbone. Men will happily have sex/take advantage of a 'yes woman.’
I recommend this book to all of my female friends. It’s a solid book.