First off, I in no way condone, approve or agree with the KKK or any of their positions. On the other hand, rather than taking the high road and showing the Klan for what it is, Mr. Stallworth actually demonstrates some of the same narrow-mindedness in his comments about women and those that he disagrees with. He used
illegal intimidation toward David Duke threatening to arrest him when he surreptitiously took his picture against Duke's express refusal. Using his position as Colorado Springs Police officer as a cudgel is the same inappropriate abuse of position and power that he rales against elsewhere in the book when used by racist cops. Several of his actions ran the risk of having his evidence thrown out of court in the case he was trying to build against the Klan. His self-aggrandizement was so transparent as to make the book a difficult read, especially considering his criticism of the same traits in the Colorado Klan members and the Police officers in his chain of command.