horribly written show. You can sum up everything wrong with the show in the one of the first scenes. the MC attacks and beats up random people for talking to his friend and another time for bumping into them, he beat them like he was rabid. I cant imagine how this could be considered in any way normal, i dont care if someone from the future told he had to protect his friends, someone talking to them isnt a threat and someone bumping them isnt a threat requiring him to freak out. (even taking stranger danger into account, i dont think anyone thinks strangers are REALLY so dangerous where you need to beat them for talking to you)
There are many other things that are wrong with this show in the same way the above scenes were, in several instances where things should be vary obvious, people in general are entirely oblivious. Frankly its a great example of how NOT to write a story, its plot/author driven(ie. "i want this to happen NOW NOW NOW, i dont care if doesnt make sense!") When the show should have been Character driven, where things happen because it fits a characters personality, though im not sure these characters really have those, none of them really act normal or react normally, its almost like every interaction is "plot/author driven" or like the author/writers have never actually dealt with other people before and just dont know how they interact.
Like most netflix shows the ideas and premise hold great potential but the writers dont seem to know how to actually write a story. i really just have to wonder how they get these jobs, there are much better written stories out there that deserve an anime yet they somehow manage to keep finding the biggest piles of garbage to turn into an anime, i really dont get it. Are talented writers REALLY that hard to find?
If by some chance someone from netflix reads this and you want something with all the work already done, make the manga Mx0 into an anime, its vary well written and thought out with great fight scenes, you can just copy them, super easy to turn into an anime. Same goes for Tower of God, you guys like giving the creators creative control, this guy wont work with anyone because they all want to butcher his amazing work. leave him with creative control and you will have an award winning anime that will go down in history. (This guy actually turned down having his story turned into an anime because they wouldnt give him creative control!)