Cute story, but please do not trust the PG rating. There are several scenes where the heroine of the story busts in on her brother and his boyfriend in the act...several times, in bed under the sheets and coming up naked (although the bottom half is covered thank goodness) there is no question what they are doing. So PLEASE watch with caution with younger audiences like I was doing. Or don't watch it at all. The story itself is fun, but these totally unnecessary sexual moments detract from the story and make it unwatchable for my family...there are zero reasons for them, they add nothing to the story and are between supporting actors not even the main actors, and the multiple nature of them speaks to some weird agenda of the writers and producers, that detracts from and even ruined the show for all of us. This should not have a PG rating. I gave it 3 stars because of the cute main characters and the main storyline.