Anyone noticed that the speed testing websites for the Internet are providing speeds that are no where near to actual practical speeds?
Example and I have proof!!! where I conducted two speed tests and both came back suggesting I could upload err-"stream" up to 37Mbps, long story short, My streaming PC is set to stream at 30Mbps because I game and stream at 4K, But when I try to stream, Both YouTube and OBS report I can only stream at a lowly 6 to 12Mbps maximum, and I am wondering how is this possible when a year ago the speed testers reported the same speeds and YouTube and OBS collaborated the reported speeds, thus my streams worked out great, But over the past few months YouTube and OBS have been reporting lower and lower upload capabilities, are we being deceived by these speed testers who I suspect are corrupted by Ass-Trail-N ISP's? I seriously think those speed testers are total BS!!