Brilliant game, as an ant geek it ticks all my boxes. Would love to see wever ants or Argentine ants.
Ideas for them
:Wever ants would have workers costing 20 and soldiers costing 40, but then have a major stage costing 160 and 20 to hach, the reason for this is that they would have less health than leaf cutters, but more damage, and the ones not engaged in direct battle would shoot formic acid. It would also be nice if the queen started in the open and the starting workers hade to build the nest in a new tree map. And then to get more space we would have to gather leafs or build satellite nests.
:Argentine ants would be super weak but super cheap, like fire ants at level 3 they would have two on one tile but they would cost 10 food to make and would hatch for free the satellite nests would also be a good idea for these ants because of Argentine ants in the wild, the soldiers would cost 15 and hatch for 2 food.