We went to see the movie “Cats” today and I do not understand why the so-called “professional critics” have dissed it so badly; it’s probably because most of them are truly officious prigs. We really enjoyed it, and the magic of computer generated imagery was awesome, and a very cool and innovative addition to a production that is a fantasy to begin with. The actors “became” cats through CGI, and down to the last whisker twitch it was amazing. The imaginary London sets were wonderful, with every detail sized to make a human appear to be the size of a cat. Choreography was outstanding, and when Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat came out tap-dancing his way down a railway above the Thames I just wanted to applaud; I have always wanted to be able to tap-dance. Jennifer Hudson’s powerful performance of Grizabella had us both in tears. She was perfect.
We have seen the musical production of Cats at least 4 times and love it. If you listen to the so-called critics and pass on this movie, you’re missing out on a really cool, different interpretation of a classic. Suspend your disbelief, embrace the technology, enjoy something really different and special. I loved this movie. And to the "professional critics"...I cough up a hairball to you!!