Sometime in the 1980s a Catholic priest asked me to translate the lessons in the follow-up into Bisaya, the lingua franca of our place, so that they could be understood easily. I came to know Jesus through the Catholic Charismatic movement, but like the book's author, it was the Campus Crusade for Christ that gave me a solid understanding of the foundational truth about salvation. The emphasis on eternal security was so powerful that it has been impacting my life positively through the years. The follow up lessons also emphasize the working of the Holy Spirit in empowering Christians to do the will of the Father as revealed through the Son Jesus.The main point of the book is that living out the Christian faith is a partnership with God, in the company of fellow believers, together gladly sharing God's message of love and redemption to others whose lives are also changed by God's grace. Such transformational changes ultimately redound to the benefits of their communites, across the world. The follow up lessons also show the common challenges and threats Christians are experiencing and ways to overcome them and come out victorious. Simple yet very helpful.