INTERESTING yet frustrating too. Seems the Americans know little to nothing of the cultures of other countries & this causes disaster situations most of the time it seems to me. The 90 Day -ers don't usually bother to learn much about the mentality & culture of centuries in other countries. I worked with Pan Am World Airways for about 40 years so I have some insights into other countries thanks to my career. fyi. I also read a lot. I noticed that most of the 90 Day -ers don't even speak correct English and I have to wonder about the low - no formal educations they obviously have. Nothing to do with intelligence, but a lot to do with education and mentality. I myself married 3 foreigners - Italy, Honduras, and Salvador - so there is some personal experience here on my part. Still I Love this program and try not to miss it. Often my heart aches watching the obvious conflicts happening but love the success couples. We can all learn a lot and enjoy this program.