It's not an exaggeration to say this is one of the best sci-fi shows one can currently stream. It's like they looked at every problem the prequels and sequels had and fixed them. The characters are well-written, realistic and nuanced. Simplistic black and white morality (which can be wonderful and childlike and fun, I admit), is replaced by serious commentary on what it takes to radicalize people on different sides in an authoritarian regime. The Empire isn't cartoonishly evil, it's a terrifyingly realistic fascist state filled with as many bumbling and naive followers as sneering and tyrannical imperialists. The rebels aren't all angelic saviours, they range from brave and well-meaning idealists to freedom fighters willing to sacrifice countless innocent people in the pursuit of liberty. I never thought I'd see a day where a Star Wars would have more intelligent and philosophical things to say than current Star Trek counterparts, but this is it. This is the show that redeems decades of sloppy and inconsistent writing so prevalent in live action Star Wars media.