I was so excited to play this when I heard the news of this game. I caught a YouTube video of it about a year or two before it came out and was amazed at the graphics and storyline. Despite being a kid I loved the original Blade Runner film and even played Cyberpunk the role playing game. I was fascinated with this sci-fi future game. So fast forward a few months later and I’ve logged over +150 hours on the game. With my nomad I did every possible quest, side job, and thing you can do in about 100 hours, except buy all the cars. So to quote Scott Lang, “you know my Pap-pap always said if you wanna do something right, you make a list.” Pros - Graphics, storyline, play control, a lot to do, choices have consequences, and price. Cons - Still glitches (make sure you save often), can get redundant outside of main storyline when grinding side quests, not much different in which character you choose once you get through the first act, while choices change the story only so much, Johnny Silverhand is a d-bag, and not family friendly. Look if you don’t like the genre chances are you really won’t like the game or like most people you’ll put in the minimum hours to pass it and move on to the next game. Despite the many glitches I think those of us who like the story telling and genre really enjoyed the game. One of the best games I played but I really like the genre, storytelling, and graphics. I played it on my PS5 and it still is glitchy at times and shut down in the middle of the game about once every three hours. The game autosaves but I got in the habit of saving after each quest, each big sell of gear, or each upgrade. There’s a lot to do, and there’s hope they will improve this game because there is a lot of future potential. People have a right to be upset, the launch was rushed and a mess, but it’s definitely now worth a look. Especially now that the price has come down. It’s similar to Far Cry, Fallout, Mass Effect, and other story drive FPS.