I will start by saying I am comparing this to the American and Australian versions of the same show and am a fan.
Watched about half a season before I couldn't take any more of the show. This was a flop from my stand point, I believe If I had never seen the American/Australian I may have enjoyed it more... but alas that is not the case.
Everything felt flat, the challenges were met and felt a little I don't know how to put it, just meh, but really I could live with it if not for the boring in-between bits.
The search for idols, the creation of aliances and breaking of them. Who the little inter-plays and such. This whole Premise of survivor is the cast and how they play the game. The strategy of how you get to the end or not. This missed the mark hard.
I knew for the episodes I watched who was going to go. No question in my mind cause they didn't give any narratives out side of the one of the person leaving. Where was the scramble, the little talks where new alliances might have been made. All of this creates a show. Doesn't even have to be a blindside or surprising every time, that's on the players, but I know for a fact more strategy was being played than the cookie cutter approach the BBc enacted.
If they make a second season, I wjll give it a shot and I truly hope they realise the mistakes they made. However I am sure this won't get renewed as they messed it up so much already.