Meh, it was bad. From reading most comments a lot of OLDER kids read them, I'm only in fourth and just finished the book, (i do two grades ahead) It seems this book is about a family and a girl named Esperanza, Esperanza is extremely lazy and spoiled. We are doing a project on her and we wrote a book report and put my favorite character as Esperanza's mama. I hate this book and it took me so long to finish the essay because of how stupid the book was, 2 classes 50 minutes each. This book is stupid. to make it worst im having a project and i had to write 5 paragraphs about 2 things. one why my project connects to esperanza rising (she gave us options) and 2. why i choose to use the option. I choose a poster. so now im stuck writing a stupid 5 paragraphs about it. im on my 5th one hooray! but i need to get the poster. d