I wanted so much to like this. But its draggy and long winded. And the “love” plots are so cliched and juvenile. Rebecca is supposed to be a strong intelligent woman who is well educated and highly ambitious which is all great opportunities to make a great leading female protagonist. But the silly writers then turned her into some dumb love sick d**k hungry bimbo who becomes an accomplice to criminal behaviours.
Took them 4 episodes in to begin unravelling the plot. That takes commitment from the audience. I mean some marriages have ended sooner in that time.
This will take commitment. Imagine it is a blend of Days of Our Lives, Crimson Peak (though this might be too good of a comparison so please drop expectations down at least 80% here) and a bit of Jersey Shore and your expectations will be well met. The acting is good though.
I say if you have time to kill. Or if you are lockdown and you have gone through all the good stuff on Po*nhub or maybe just sore, then sure. Do it.