Alex’s principal has absolutely no business being in her role and should be abolished from the profession of working with children in any capacity. If there is a petition to remove her from her post I would be the first one in line to sign it. What an incredible smart kind gentle boy who should be an example for other children to aim to exemplify. This woman should never be allowed near children and their developmental years, let alone in a role as a principal! How is she there? How? Remove her this instant from her job for the love of God and children. This woman’s lack of common sense, empathy and humanity appalls me to the core.#getheroutnow. Who allowed this woman to have this job? how in the hell did this ever happen that she was given this role? That person should be fired too!!! Get her out before children die. Signs are on the wall. GET HER AWAY from these innocent children. For the record Alex, you’re ‘the man’ and you will do great things in this world. Keep being kind. Keep feeling things. When you’re the adult the bully’s will be the losers and you will be admired even more than you already are by strong, smart, kind important adults. You are amazing Alex and I stand behind you every second. Stay strong and stay kind always. This too shall pass. Appalled by your principal and officials. There is something wrong with them not you. So many people love and admire you. Thank you for making this documentary. You are doing such an important job in teaching children’s and adult bully’s that it is not and will never be okay to be mean to others. You are saving other kids and people all over the world think that you are an absolute super hero. You are one of the most impressive people I have ever had the privilege to learn from. #strongkindlove super hero