I enjoyed the program as it was a mystery and I too like stories about Mermaids. I kept on seeing ads about the program, but it also showed the word , streaming . I kept watching and kept on seeing these ads and then no more ads came on. I didn't know but maybe the program went to another channel. I have searched and searched and because I was so disappointed , I guess I gave up. It seems that every time there is a program that I like, it ends up going off the air . I like using my imagination, it takes my mind off from a lot of issues that are in this world. Imagination verses reality, I choose imagination. What is it with you people? Does everything have to be so VERY violent , disgusting, and don't forget the darn sex. I even like cartoons, but not those stupid ones . So how about putting "SIREN" back on. There are others that I have talked to that liked the
program also. I couldn't sit there watching some stupid program without wondering all of the time , what happened to the TV program, SIREN . How about it, put it back on, or is it a case of how the show turns out in the ratings. I hate that too. If it doesn't have enough violence in it, the show won't rate it very good, is that it. No darn wonder the world is the way it is . It's about time that someone take action and put these people out of work, never to write again for anyone when it comes to some of these disgusting programs that are on now. Even the movies are the pits. I don't watch them. I would rather watch the animal programs or something that is for real and descent. NO violence. Deanna D