This film is a black and white drama film directed by Mike Mills and starring Joaquin Phoenix, made in 2021, which examines the relationship between a reporter who asks children's opinions about their future and their lives with his niece, and this relationship is not a normal relationship, but a one-on-one interaction. An adult with a child is also considered, or in other words, they are a challenge between people of two different generations who, despite their different nature, have to endure and stay together. This film explores the worlds of both and tries to find the commonalities that It makes two people enjoy each other's existence and expands it. This commonality may be slightly in front of the audience, but its existence is enough to express feelings such as love and affection and sympathy. This film also shows the points of view of both sides in the above It shares a wonderful story that may be sometimes confusing and sometimes charming and persuasive. In this film, we also feel the role of the mother as the main pillar supporting the child, and we are a little more familiar with the problems that a mother faces in Life must endure Of course, along with these advantages, there are also some major disadvantages, which may not have been the main goal of the director and he only targeted the geographical context of America and the society of the American audience. that they are facing and the film only examines the life of middle to upper families in the American society and therefore this film cannot be attributed to the world community, but in general this film is a new idea that is rarely used in today's films. It is welcomed, supported and a social relationship has been well examined and with all these points, it can be said that the movie is good and successful and the high scores on rating and film review sites are proof of this.