Friends is an incredible sitcom! It mainly focuses on six main characters: Rachel (fashionista), Monica (organized), Chandler (comical), Joey (sweet), Phoebe (weird), and Ross (the Divorce Force). These characters represent all the people alive, each with their own characteristics. This show is especially amazing since there are touching moments as well as funny moments. These characters seem so real as they are not in an imaginary world. As they grow older, they face many of the challenges we have today and since there are no phones for texting, snap chatting, instagramming, etc. they talk so much and tell hilarious stories. There is always an ongoing plot so that the fan will continue to watch to find out but each episode, whether upsetting or downright hilarious has its own special quirks. There have been many imitations of this show but the expectations never live quite up to this show.
My favorite characters are:
1. Chandler (at his best from s2 to s6)
2. Joey (at his best from s3-s10)
3. Monica (at her best from s1 to s7)
4. Phoebe (at her best from s1-s3, s7-s8)
5. Rachel (at her best from s1-s3, s9)
6. Ross (at his best s1, flashbacks)