The action scenes are good. But the plot..felt flat. There were too many characters that you question even if they are needed and some do show their lack of importance. Dragged scenes with too much boring dialogue. The car chase was generic. The romance scenes between IIsa and Hunt felt off a bit, I cant pintpoint what exactly. Grace annoyed me as she seemed to always run away. And then that scene! The scene where the villain tells hunt that he will have to choose between IIsa and Grace, and Hunt seemed distraught. Why even have that scene? Grace facing the villain at the bridge seemed dumb. She could have done what she always did, run. Instead decides to take on the villain w a pocket knife. Even though she is not a match for him…and then they kill off Ilsa Faust in such a terrible way, why would she show up with a sword/ katana to find Grace. Why wasnt IIsa w a gun? Just to force a scene with the villain fighting knife vs sword? Ugh. Her death felt cheap. By the way, the scenes with IIsa felt like the actress didnt want to be there. Hm. Grace the thief later was invited to join the IMF after showing to be unreliable and having caused the death of IIsa because they cared about her, but WHY?
Overall, it felt as if this 1st part of the 7th installment was not cohesive. Let’s see what the next part brings.