It's a mess.
I think the premiere and like first half of season one is sort of gripping, but afterwards it gets sort of all over the place.
It's obvious that the writers or showrunners or whatever are big fans of lost. There are side by side parallels, scene and storywise, which is endearing I guess, but not enough to carry a whole show.
While I do find the mythology and world building somewhat unique, I think the blatant writing and forced acting just ruins it sometimes.
I think the mystery element is so forced and like milked even.
I do agree, there's so much potential, it just feels rushed and as if the showrunners were constantly coming up with things and immediately trying to solve them and going over other plot lines and it just gets very repetitive like that.
I'm gonna still watch it because I've invested enough time to listen to it in the background, I might as well keep doing that. Hopefully season 3 is better.