Having watched Kurosawa's samurai films, I half expected Toshiro Mifune to turn into Liam Neeson, hunting down the kidnapper singlehandedly.
However, High and Low is an exquisitely crafted masterpiece in storytelling. It brilliantly splits the narrative into different perspectives. You see events play out from the perspectives of the victim, the police investigation, then an incredible finale revealing the kidnapper's motives.
Kurosawa often plays with narrative structure in his films, but has perfected it here. As a result, you really invest in all the characters.
High and Low is easily one of the greatest crime films ever made. It is gripping and tense, brilliantly acted and filmed in a way where every frame is constructed to perfection. The scene in the drug den, with the light relecting in the kidnapper's sunglasses sent a chill up my spine.
I loved it!
Akira Kurosawa - Ranked
The Greatest Films Ever Made