This show has taught me many wise lessons, I may have to go back and watch it all over again just to soak up that juicy knowledge once more. I love that Tray is focused on serving the community through cooking and all of the challenges he goes through in order to do so just help him to be stronger, which everyone can relate to. He is so funny too and I saw some of his character from 30 Rock coming through in some scenes. He's the best. Also, Tracy Morgan actually got in a terrible car crash and I can't believe he came back so strong like this, I LOVED the physical therapy episode and his physical therapist's methods of getting him well again...they would work on me too! I think the whole show is real and can be rough at times but has a really really sweet balance of real and hopeful for what good family dynamics in an unconventional setting can be. I hope that there's a season 5 in the future. Long live Tracy Morgan and the whole cast! Everyone in the cast made the show so special.