Man, these 1 and 2 star reviews make me so emotionally upset. They are so one sided claiming Alex is stupid and she needs to go back to her dad and her baby daddy and that "no white girl ever would get pregnant by an alcoholic and live in a trailer park and not get an abortion" like do yall live in a bubble? I know yall lack empathy for one. She doesn't go back to her dad because HE ABUSED HER MOM. She literally let her baby daddy BECAUSE HE ABUSED HER! I don't care that it was emotional abuse, it could and very well would have quickly led to physical abuse. Yall saying how dumb she was and how weak, she is human! Yes it is frustrating watching but these things happen. As said in the show most people DO go back to their abusers. Most people DO make no so thought out choices when they're overwhelmed. And saying she is stupid for NOT getting an abortion? What? So people make women feel bad all the time for getting abortions but we are also making them feel bad for not? Also, yall saying about how she doesn't show emotion as much, I believe that is because she has a form of autism. It makes her not show as much emotion or pick up on lots of social cues.
This story is fictional of course (even though I read it was based off of Stephanie Lands life), but yall act like this doesn't happen. It ABSOLUTELY does. It is a wonderful show, emotionally frustrating but that is because we want the main character to have a happy ending the whole time. Also the person who said the best person was her mom???? DID YOU WATCH THE WHOLE THING?? Her mom is pretty much just as emotionally abusive as her ex.