Never have a watched a movie that elated me more. It's story cast a spell on me, it's cast thrilled me and the movie as a whole made me feel more mature and compassionate. The style and tone of the movie makes you happy and sad and scared and awestruck and the same time. How it begins with a dull and frightening aura of the prison environment leading to how people become "institutionalised" and can't imagine living in the real world. Its real story line is highlighted with Andy making the best use of his slow years in the prison. How even criminals seem more humane than the warden officers and common people. Tommy and Crooks, and of course Red , our brilliant ,charming, kind and good friend whose loyalty and simplicity makes us worry about him so much as till the very end.
It resonated with me and it will always be in my memory of great stories and pieces of splendid Art, I hope most other people can feel this way too.