Loved this series growing up, stumbled onto the box set at a second hand store a few days ago, and I'm kind of blown away. Sure it's a product placement for Hotwheels, but I feel like that shouldn't really be a slight towards it, every celebrated kids show from 1980-2010 was trying to shill something to our vulnerable minds. Ninja Turtles, GI Joe, etc.The animation is charming and while the plot is completely out there, (a group of nerrdoowells from rival Street racing gangs have to race against a coalition of robot racers to literally save the universe) the characters keep it all tied together well and with writing and direction from the team behind the legendary SciFi animated series Reboot, they know exactly how to do action scenes right to have them be engaging and fun. If you have kids and they like cars or scifi, show it the series to them! They'll love it!