when you think for me personally the early 1970s was the best decade for movies a slew of great young actors, like pacino, de niro, jack nicholson, dusitin hoffman robert duvall new directors scorsece, de palma, malik, loo at those movies the godfather, chinatown, the last picture show, the list is endless, and of course there is gene hackman in this fabulous film, this gruff pulling no punches cop easily strident in the very mean streets of new york, a renegade who not just breaks rules , but makes them to, its wonderfully gritty with many nefraious characters, but popeye holds his own as a renegade,real hard hitting gutteral movie, yes popeye is un pc, but somewhat likeable you want him to win this war, the car chase is the best car chase scene in any movie, yes godfather gets all the kudos, but the french connection is right up there amongst the greatest films,