Rev. Al....I am a flaming liberal and life long Democrat. I am 70 years old and have marched in many, many civil rights and social justice issues, camped at Standing Rock and, more recently, the BLM marches here in my city of Mpls. Your show today appalled me to the core!! First of all, your guest, Rep. Omar is well known for anti-Israel stance and her reference in regards to Jews (it's all about the Benjamins, etc). So why is her hatred of Jews any more palatable than any other form of hate against any other group?? What is the double standard here??
Then, in the second segment, you rail against the comment of your guest that the BlM protests have anything to do with the increases in COVID cases. You MUST know that this will prove true. Your own network, MSNBC, in its live reporting here in Mpls. brought forth his point many, many times. But you absolutely would not allow for that! C'mon Al....look at the footage and listen to the MSNBC reporters!! Of coarse, it will have an impact on COVID could it not??
Your rhetoric of late ....and that of some of your guests ...seems so full of anti white speech. You do Biden no favors by alienating the white vote with all this speech about blacks outnumbering whites and it is the blacks who will win the election and what the white people think is of no matter. You are one of the ones who respond to "All Lives Matter" with the retort, "But Black lives matter MORE!". If white people said that they would be called racist....and rightfully so. And yet, when you promote that thinking, it is ok?!?! How will we ever come together as equals when the divide is just made wider and wider with this type of speech and thought??