I’m not one to review movies like this-but this was one of the worst ones I’ve ever seen. I looked up the rating to see what other people thought, and lo and behold I’m not alone.
Frankly, I’m disturbed. The one thing I walked away thinking was, “well that was weird.” And I’m not sure if that even covers it. First off the whole beginning of the movie is rushed. However, it’s still better than the second half, which jumped between jarring “comedic” scenes and long boring dialogue filled ones that had no substance or meaning. I was on my phone the whole last 15 minutes.
None of the writing problems even begin to touch on my main problem with the movie. And that was the characters and their relationships. Really who thought it was a good idea to end the movie with the parents getting engaged? Why is no one horrified? Why are none of their friends questioning this stupid and spontaneous behavior? The daughter and the mother had no redeeming moments and the dynamic between the couples felt awkward and uncomfortable. I kept hoping the movie would surprise me and we’d see Emma and RJ break up or the mother and father (names that I can’t even recall it was so forgettable) would. But no. The ending is just as bad as you think it could be.
Stupid scenes include: a pickleball joke with a nut shot. A scene where the parents get stuck on an island because of “car issues”-something that was completely avoidable. And a scene were iCarly tells off the annoying, wedding planner.
I could go on and on. But I think I’ve said enough. A waste of time. I love Miranda Cosgrove, but this wasn’t her strongest piece.