The title could be
Annabel a very privileged life
An aristocrat never short of money the author was unconventional by the standards of her class but did not suffer for it
Her evident vitality and warmth attracted friends as well as two interesting husbands and she moves from villa to plane to comfortable grand houses with apparent ease supported by loyal retainers who she in turn cares for
She loved her sons but kept them at schools they hated looking back to wonder why she did
There were tragedies in her life but she undoubtedly had support at the time( not during her mothers illness and death from oral cancer as was the way at the time)
Apart from a brief spell assisting refugees from Hungary in 1956 no indication of any involvement in ‘ worthy’ causes or concern for those beyond her very wide and golden circle
But she was entitled to a glorious life which she enjoyed and shares with enthusiasm with the reader